Inspire to teach. Inspire to learn. Compass Day 2024
開催日:2024年1月28日(日) 10:00-16:00
会場:東京 御茶ノ水ソラシティカンファレンスセンター 1階 Room C
10:00 - 10:30 受付
10:30 - 11:20 Teaching Reading Communicatively
- 河原弘美 & マシュー・ディワイルド
11:30 - 12:20 Sounds Great! - The Importance of Phonics in Developing Four Skills
- ミシェル・パーク
12:30 - 13:30 ランチ
13:30 - 14:30 パネル・ディスカション
- ミシェル・パーク
14:40 - 15:20 Boost English! - a new course series for the 21C Classroom
- エディー・リー
15:20 - 15:30 抽選会
15:30 - 16:00 展示販売
※ プログラム、講演の開始時間は都合により変更となる場合がございますのでので、
Teaching Reading Communicatively
- 河原弘美 & マシュー・ディワイルド
The development of our young students' ability to read English is crucial to their overall English education. There are plenty of good materials for teachers to use. Let's use them in class in ways that have our students also speak, listen and write for the purpose of genuine communication.
Sounds Great! - The Importance of Phonics in Developing Four Skills
- ミシェル・パーク
Using a 4 skills Phonics series at an early age can give young leaners confidence and a head start to learning HOW to learn the language they need in the real world. We will also talk about WHY this makes all the difference as well as tips on teaching phonics effectively.
Boost English! - a new course series for the 21C Classroom
- エディー・リー
We'll look at how our new 4 skills course book, Boost English, uses the 4cs and CLIL lessons to give young learners a real-world connection. We'll also see how this series takes balancing input and output to the next level.